
A peer-to-peer platform for collaborative tool lending and borrowing

NeighborTools, is a community-based, two-sided online platform that facilitates the process of lending and borrowing tools.

This is a concept project that I was working on while I was studying in UX-Land School. In a team of three we were assigned to design a responsive website to facilitate the process of lending and borrowing tools among people.


3 Months-Part time


Group of 3


Figma, Figjam, Photoshop & Canva, google Form

Target Device

Desktop & Mobile


UX|UI Designer

Developing a user-friendly Peer-to-Peer platform that simplifies listing items and effortlessly locates nearby tools available for rent.

  • A key goal of our research was studying users to understand their concerns and needs.

  • Establish NeighborTools as a trustworthy app, making it easy for users to trust the platform.

  • Streamline the tool renting and borrowing journey.

  • Simplify the process for users to locate the nearest required tool.

  • Provide seamless navigation, particularly between lending and borrowing activities.

Business Need


Design Process

Double diamond design process has been adopted for this project.

In this project, we have two distinct tasks: borrowing and lending, each requiring its own research and design. Consequently, we divided the project into two parts dedicated to borrowing and lending, respectively.

Borrowing and Landing Tasks